“cry, laugh, eat - making friends with your emotions”

Join us on our podcast

We are excited to share with you each week the different faces of one of our six core emotions: fear, sadness, disgust, anger, happiness, surprise. We hope you will come to better understand emotions and feel more accepting and comfortable with who you are.

  • fear

    “you may think of me as your enemy but I am actually your friend…”

    “making friends with your emotions” pg 10

  • sadness

    “I am the sensation in your body that makes you cry, sigh, hug, roll up in a ball, want to shut down…”

    “making friends with your emotions” pg 24

  • disgust

    “I am the voice in your head that tells you to avoid, to reject, to spit out…”

    “making friends with your emotions” pg 35

  • anger

    “…just respect me, channel me, use me wisely…”

    “making friends with your emotions: pg 51

  • happiness

    “don’t neglect me, don’t suppress me, don’t take me for granted…”

    “making friends with your emotions” pg 64

  • surprise

    “I am the sensation in your body that makes your neck tense, or makes you gasp, jump, drop your jaw, or open your eyes w-i-d-e…”

    “making friends with your emotions” pg 71